Música: Temporada 5

5x01: Simpatía por el diablo
Recap Song: AC/DC - "Thunderstruck"
5x02: Por dios santo
Recap Song: "Long, Long Way from Home" by Foreigner
"Spirit in the Sky" by Norman Greenbaum
5x03: Libres para ser tú y yo
Lynyrd Skynyrd - "Simple Man"
Swank - "Devil Sway"
Left Hand Frank and His Blues Band - "Blues Won't Let Me Be"
5x04: El final
The Contours - "Do You Love Me (Now That I Can Dance)"
5x05: Ídolos caídos
Lucero - "Sixteen"
Jeff Beck - "Superstition"
5x06: Creo que los niños son nuestro futuro
5x07: El curioso caso de Dean Winchester
APM - "Early Blues"
Lonnie Brooks - "I Want All My Money Back"
5x08: Cambio de canales
Robbi Spencer - "Livin' My Life"
Anya Marina - "Move You"
Anya Marina - "Not A Through Street"
Renee Stahl - "Something Real"
5x09: El verdadero cazafantasmas
Hound Dog Taylor -"Ain't Got Nobody"
Miss Eighty 6 -"Ring-a-Ling"
The Bughouse 5 -"Topsy Turvy"
The Bughouse 5 -"Trouble Baby"
Swank - "Whiskey"
5x10: Abandonando la esperanza
Carlos Santana - "Oye Como Va"
5x11: Sam, interrumpido
5x12: Intercambio de carne
Bob Seger - "Rock & Roll Never Forgets"
Hazy Malaze - "Got My Wings"
Black Toast Music - "I Got More Bills Than I Got Paid"
5x13: La misma canción
Warrant - "Cherry Pie
Sammy Johns - "Chevy Van"
Joe Walsh - "Life's Been Good
5x14: Mi sangriento San Valentín
5x15: Los muertos no pagan
5x16: El lado oscuro de la luna
Bob Dylan - "Knockin' On Heaven's Door"
5x17: 99 problemas
5x18: No hay vuelta atrás
Kay Starr - "The Man Upstairs"
5x19: El martillo de los dioses
The Bachelors - "After 1957."
5x20: El mal conocido
5x21: Dos minutos para la medianoche
Jen Titus - "O Death"
5x22: El canto del cisne
Recap Song: Kansas - "Carry On My Wayward Son"
Def Leppard - "Rock of Ages"